Friends of Finsbury Park is calling on Haringey Council to lock the park gates at night, highlighting severe issues of public sex, drug use, and littering. Residents have spotted "mass orgies" and found condoms, drug paraphernalia, and dangerous items around the park. The group's chair, Katie Dawson, emphasizes the negative impact on families and wildlife. While Haringey Council acknowledges the problems and has increased security measures, they prefer to keep the park open to the public, stating that locking it is not deemed necessary unless in exceptional circumstances.
"It is not appropriate for residents to come across this or for children to play in a space that is littered with sex and drug debris and human excrement," she added.
Cllr Emily Arkell, Haringey Council's lead member for culture and leisure, said it would only consider locking the park in exceptional circumstances as there is no legal requirement to do so.