Röyksopp, the acclaimed Norwegian electronic music duo, has revealed their upcoming album titled 'True Electric', scheduled for release on April 11. The album follows their earlier work 'Nebulous Nights' and includes updated versions of classic songs, particularly spotlighting the track "What Else Is There?" featuring Fever Ray. The duo aims to encapsulate the atmosphere of their live performances through these renditions that reflect their club-oriented roots. Additionally, they are embarking on an extensive tour covering cities in Europe, the UK, Australia, Canada, and the US.
True Electric consists of recordings and renditions, meant to capture the essence of our live shows bearing the same name. The idea was to put an emphasis on the clubbier aspects of our music, as well as returning to our roots within the realms of electronic music.
The original "What Else Is There?" appeared on Röyksopp's 2005 album, The Understanding, and the new version is updated to reflect how it sounds in a live Röyksopp DJ set.
Röyksopp has announced a new album, True Electric, arriving on April 11, featuring updated tracks, including collaborations with Robyn.
Röyksopp begin a DJ tour later this week across Europe, Australia, Canada, and the United States, highlighting their latest works.