Enjoy the 30th anniversary celebration of Dinosaur Jr's 1993 album"Where You Been"

Brooklyn Vegan reports that on night 5 at the Music Hall, Jason Isbell joined the band to play an incredible version of 'Cortez the Killer' (Neil Young), one of the band's favorite covers to perform. Laura Jane Grace joined them for another of their famous covers 'Just Like Heaven' (The Cure). The band also performed 'Only Shallow' (My Bloody Valentine) with Don Fleming and Jay Spiegel, who also joined them on 'The Wagon.' And Clare O'Kane joined the band on my favorite Dinosaur Jr song, 'In a Jar.'
Dinosaur Jr began the Where You Been tour in June 2023, and will continue touring through June 1, 2024. Check out the tour dates on their website.
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