To create an effective menu toggle for the Features and Company sections, you need two key functionalities. First, ensure that clicking the header link toggles the visibility of the associated dropdown menu, hiding any other active menus. On the second click of the header link, or if the user clicks anywhere outside an open menu, the currently active menu should close. This requires managing event listeners for both the menu header clicks and the document, making sure the user interaction feels smooth and intuitive.
To implement a functional menu toggle for your navigation, you need to consider both the active states for the dropdowns and the event listeners for clicks.
One effective way to toggle the menus is by adding an event listener to the header links which will handle showing and hiding the corresponding content.
Additionally, you should implement a click event on the document to detect clicks outside the currently active menu, ensuring it collapses if the user clicks away.
Make sure to manage the active classes properly to prevent multiple menus from being open at the same time, particularly for enhancing the user experience.