2 tasty new tab tricks for Chrome on Android

Chrome for Android introduces enhanced features for managing inactive tabs, allowing users to categorize tabs as inactive after 7, 14, or 21 days of no interaction. Users can also choose to move duplicate tabs into the 'Inactive tabs' area or set tabs to close after 60 days of inactivity. Additionally, a feature to automatically open tab groups created on other devices enhances multi-device usability for users, streamlining their browsing experience significantly.
You can instruct it to consider a tab 'inactive' if you haven't interacted with it in seven, 14, or 21 days, after which point it'll be moved into a special new 'Inactive tabs' area.
Chrome can automatically move any duplicate tabs into that same 'Inactive tabs' area for you, if you flip the switch for the first option.
This nifty li'l ditty does exactly what you'd expect: If you fire up a new tab group in Chrome on a computer or a different Android device, it'll automatically open on this Android device.
Read at Computerworld