During an interview, Kid Rock shared his plans to celebrate inauguration day as a 'rebirth of America,' contrasting with reporter Perry's chilly rooftop broadcasting responsibilities. Amidst the banter, Rock praised Perry's appearance, sparking a playful invitation for skiing, to which she humorously declined due to her professional obligations. This interaction was reminiscent of Perry's previous encounters in Washington, notably with Donald Trump, who acknowledged her with complimentary remarks during a call with the Taoiseach of Ireland.
"Well, I'm standing on a rooftop in these very, very chilly conditions. We'll be on air for 11 or 12 hours so I don't think I'll have anywhere near as fun a day as you have planned for yourself there."
"I love to go skiing. You sound sexy. You want to go with me?"
"Well, we won't get into that right here so, we're doing no skiing today. We've got a day of broadcasting to do."
"She has a nice smile on her face, so I bet she treats you well."