In 2016, Austin Chin found himself in search of employment in Silicon Valley but took a chance by venturing up Mount Eden Road, ultimately leading him to Ellie and Jeffrey Patterson of Mount Eden Vineyards. Despite not knowing much about their wines, he delivered his resume amidst difficult weather conditions. Hired by Jeffrey Patterson, Chin learned essential winemaking skills, particularly pruning, even in challenging weather. Over eight years, Chin flourished under Patterson’s mentoring, gaining extensive knowledge in various wine styles and techniques, revealing his unexpected passion for winemaking.
Once I started working for him, I realized there was so much more to learn than I ever thought.
Patterson, soft-spoken and kind, yet stern, proved a master educator.
I explained that I was looking for a job and handed her my resume.
The road turned to dirt, growing steeper, narrower and more perilous with each turn.