Why You Should Avoid Eating The Skin Of Skate Fish - Tasting Table

Cooking fish at home can be straightforward with a few essential tips, especially regarding skate fish, which resembles stingrays but has sharp barbs on its skin. While many fish have enjoyable, crispy skin, skate's skin should be avoided. Fortunately, skate is often sold skinless at markets, and if prepared by poaching, the skin can be easily removed. When purchasing skate, engages with fishmongers for advice on preparation and cooking methods for a successful home-cooked meal.
When buying skate, it's usually skinless but if you encounter skin, poaching makes it easy to peel off, ensuring you enjoy the delicate fish without the barbs.
Skate fish, while delicious and often used for imitation scallops, should not be consumed with its skin due to sharp barbs; skinless options are widely available.
Read at Tasting Table