The article discusses the intelligence levels of U.S. Presidents, suggesting that most hold above-average IQs, with some verging on genius. It compares the Presidential role to that of a mother, emphasizing the complexity and demands of leadership. It highlights the historical significance of IQ tests, their development, and their capacity to measure various cognitive abilities. While acknowledging the challenges in accurately estimating a president's intelligence solely through IQ, it urges readers to consider broader factors that contribute to perceived intelligence in leadership.
Most, if not all, U.S. Presidents have been of above-average intelligence. Some could have very well been actual geniuses.
Keeping all of that moving in a positive direction has got to be like trying to steer a rocket.
We've grouped all the U.S. presidents by their estimated IQs—a tricky calculation that should be taken with more than a little grain of salt.
How Accurate Are IQ Tests? IQ tests are pretty good at identifying problem-solving ability and can help predict certain occupational and academic successes.