Who Lives At The Rainforest Cafe? | Defector

"As soon as I glimpsed the dark tunnel of vines that connects the Rainforest Cafe gift shop to the Rainforest Cafe restaurant, a question began buzzing in my mind: Which rainforest is the Rainforest Cafe supposed to be?"
"I suspected that Rainforest Cafe may be a product of its time and represent not one particular biome, but rather a melange of all rainforests..."
"The most prominently displayed animals all were unmistakable for any other species: gorilla, elephant, red-eyed tree frog, etc. But the closer I looked..."
"In the real world, when I am confronted with a species I cannot identify, I turn to iNaturalist - a free app that can identify basically any species, provided your photo of it is not too shitty."
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