What Is SSSS on Your Boarding Pass? Everything to Know About the Mysterious Code

SSSS on a boarding pass signifies that a passenger has been selected for additional security screening by the TSA, which can extend the boarding process significantly. This is particularly surprising for frequent travelers who usually use programs like TSA PreCheck, especially those who have never encountered it. The article shares a personal account of a traveler who, after extensive trips abroad, faced SSSS upon returning to the U.S. Despite prior approvals, they endured rigorous screening procedures multiple times, demonstrating the unpredictability and frustration of SSSS designation.
The screening was extensive: My husband and I were separated from our shoes, coats, and electronics; asked to pass through a metal detector and body scanner.
If the acronym appears on your ticket, it means you'll be subject to an extra-thorough screening-despite having pre-approval through a Trusted Traveler Program.
Read at Conde Nast Traveler