Part of what's happening now in the world is this kind of tension between organic animals, we are organic animals and an inorganic digital system, which is increasingly controlling and shaping the entire world. Now, part of being an organic entity is that you live by cycles day and night, winter and summer, growth and decay. Sometimes you are active, sometimes you need to relax, you need to rest. Now, algorithms and AIs and computers, they are not organic. They never need rest. They are on all the time.
The big question is whether we adapt to them or they adapt to us. And more and more, of course, we have to adapt to them. We have to be on all the time. So the new cycle is always on. And everything we say, even when we are supposedly relaxing with friends, it can be public.
So the whole of life becomes like this one long job interview, that any stupid thing you did in some college party when you are 18, it can meet you down the road 10, 20 years later. And this is destructive to how we function.
You even think about the market. Like Wall Street, as far as ...