"We think we will be more powerful than ever as joint forces," AFL-CIO president Liz Shuler told Axios Wednesday afternoon. This reunion has been in the works for nearly two years, SEIU president April Verrett said, aiming to build enough power to organize workers and push for pro-labor policies. "It's not a reaction to, or a statement about, Trump," she added. But with his return to the White House it is "an affirmation that we're doing the right thing and that now is the time."
"It's not just our undocumented or our immigrant workers that are worried about what a Trump administration can bring," says Verrett. There are other issues too; about half the union's members depend on Medicaid, with Republicans reportedly considering cuts to the health insurance program to fund an extension of the 2017 tax cuts. SEIU represents many low-wage workers across public sector, healthcare, and building services sectors, including many immigrants.