Trump Press Conference: Addresses Polio Vaccine, Tariffs, Inflation, and Revenge on Journalists

The president-elect held his first press conference as president-elect on Monday and, as became customary the last time around, truth was no object. He dealt out barefaced non-facts by the boatload.
He insisted, as he always does, that Americans profited more than six hundred billion dollars from his tariffs on foreign goods... but it will make our country rich. Our country right now loses to everybody.
At some point fairly recently, someone threw out the notion that 'they don't use pesticides in Europe,' so he shared this remarkable bit of easily disprovable nonsense.
Bubbling under everything was his eternal angry conflagration at anyone or anything that sought to hold him to account. In this, the president-elect is like that gas pit in Turkmenistan that's been burning since 1971.
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