When the last group of players saunters into breakfast, we find out that Chanel Ayan is the latest victim. 'It's Housewife Hunters, it's no more Traitors,' an annoyed Dolores says before once again picking up the portrait Alan tossed to the ground.
Flashing back to the Traitors's conclave, we see Bob say something very insightful. 'If we can figure it out, they can figure it out. But if it's just madness, they're just running around scared.' So, their decision to kill Ayan was in the pursuit of chaos.
While I do think Bob's thesis about chaos is correct, thus making the murder of Ayan a smart move, our Traitors are still in disarray. Danielle is far too talkative at breakfast, which Rob instantly clocks as dangerous since she's drawing so much attention.
Meanwhile, Carolyn already feels like she's isolated, calling herself a misfit to whom nobody listens. 'I'm always that turd on the wall, but this turd will get to the end,' she says.