The Look Book Goes to VAYA! Dance Night at Lincoln Center

I started when I was 14. I'd go to the park and hear the music, and the music made me move. I remember this young lady, Chachi. They'd swing her around in the air this way and that. And I said to myself, I want to dance like her. So I took some of her steps and I created my own little style of dancing. It's been my life ever since. I'm 74 now.
We had no money to go to dance classes. We went to the concerts in the park for $5. Copacabana was free before seven, and the train was practically nothing. I went to Manhattan Center. I went to Palladium. We went traveling.
We're all still in shock over that. But everybody that's here I've known for years. And when we see each other, we hug each other, and we dance until we're tired. We have less years ahead of us than we do behind us. We realize that, and we respect that.
So when I go out to dance, I dance hard. I'll dance so hard that when I get back on the train, I'm leaning in the corner because I'm tired.
Read at Curbed