The Key Shaping Tip To Remember With Homemade Rye Bread - Tasting Table

When working with breads that have a high percentage of rye flour, you'll find the dough consistency to be quite different. Very little gluten will form, so the mixture will have a texture more like modeling clay or even cookie dough. These doughs will be stickier and less able to hold their shape than wheat doughs.
You'll have to pat them into shape. They'll hold the shape, but putting them in a pan makes them easier to handle. Fortunately, rye doughs will become lighter in texture through proofing and baking and for most breads, you can skip the scoring step.
The sour and bitter flavor profile of rye flour plays well against the sweetness of the chocolate, delivering complex tastes similar to those you might find when mixing flavors thoughtfully.
Read at Tasting Table