The Creator of 'Wolf Man' and 'Saw' on Monetizing Terror | Entrepreneur

Well, there was never a decision to monetize terror. After I finished film school, where I met Saw co-creator James Wan, he and I were dedicated horror fanatics, but we certainly didn't see any money in it. We just wanted to make a film, and the horror genre is not only one we love, but it's also so friendly to first-time filmmakers and low-budget filmmakers. You don't need a celebrity to play the lead. You don't need a lot of whizbang effects - horror is something that you can do on a shoestring budget.
To me, a scream and a laugh are just different sides of the same coin. It's very addictive. It's an addictive drug. Scaring people is addictive - it’s an addictive drug.
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