European work culture is diverse and surprising, defying the typical '9-to-5' stereotype. Spain exemplifies this with late starts, long lunches, and extended evenings. On the other hand, France's official 35-hour workweek promotes a balanced lifestyle yet can confuse those from hustle-driven environments. These customs, deeply rooted in history and societal norms, provide insight into how European countries prioritize work-life balance, often leading to misunderstandings for expatriates and tourists who are unaccustomed to these rhythms.
Spain’s workday begins around 9 or 9:30 AM, features a late lunch at 2 PM, and sees many employees working until 7 or 8 PM.
France’s 35-hour workweek was introduced to enhance life quality, leading to longer lunches and fewer after-hours emails, baffling hustle-centric cultures.