Registration opens to brr-ing in the new year at the Coney Island Polar Bear Plunge * Brooklyn Paper

"We're thrilled to open registration for this year's Polar Bear Plunge," said Daniel Murphy, executive director at The Alliance for Coney Island, in a statement. "It's always a great way to kick off the year with friends, family, and the local community. We invite take the plunge. It's a fun and memorable experience that supports some great causes like our local ecology, education, and arts organizations."
Last year, thousands of attendees raised more than $130,000 - a new record. The money was divvied up among several local groups to fund after-school programs, ocean health initiatives, and more.
Coney Island, a summer hotspot, often suffers in the winter months as tourism drops, leaving residents without much support - but the plunge is a way to give back.
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