Plans move forward for new Coulsdon GP health centre in former car park

After eight years of planning, Croydon Council is finalizing a deal with the local NHS to build a GP Health Centre in Coulsdon, addressing a critical health service gap. The new centre will be developed on the site of the former CALAT adult education centre's car park, with a projected cost of £6.3 million funded by NHS. Despite a contract with a car dealership leading to delays, community support remains strong for the overdue health facilities in the area, which currently has insufficient medical service availability compared to the borough's needs.
Plans for the new GP Health Centre in Coulsdon aim to address the area's scarcity of medical facilities, with significant community support over the years.
Despite delays due to a car dealership's contract, Croydon Council is committed to finalizing the GP Health Centre project to improve local health services.
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