First responders and paramedics arrived at the NAFCO Wholesale Fish Distribution Facility where dozens of employees had abruptly fallen ill about three hours after lunch. Helicopter footage captured images of workers around picnic tables, some doubled over and with their heads down, highlighting the severity of the situation.
"NAFCO maintains the highest standards of food safety and regularly undergoes rigorous inspections by health authorities," NAFCO said in a statement. "Its products continue to be safely produced and consumed by customers nationwide, and there are no issues related to its supply chain."
Testing by the Maryland Department of Health identified Staphylococcus aureus as the cause of the illnesses. This bacterium can spread to food from unwashed hands and grow in improperly stored food.
The incident sickened 46 employees, with at least 26 treated at an area hospital for symptoms of food poisoning. Thankfully, all employees recovered after the incident.