Paccurate helps companies ship in smaller boxes, saving them money while helping the earth | TechCrunch

"We had a fascination with the butterfly effect of this problem area. The more tweaks you make to packaging, the bigger the downstream. If you use a 10% smaller box, on average it results in 10% fewer pallets and 10% fewer truck trips. It's also one of the few areas in supply chain where sustainability and cost savings are the same exact thing."
"Cartonization is often embedded into other supply chain software, but a lot of companies don't trust it. Some services just aren't accurate while others are focused on helping companies get as much product into as few boxes as possible, which isn't actually always the most sustainable or cost-efficient option."
"After a few years of research and development, we formally launched Paccurate in 2018. The software helps parcel shippers determine the most cost-effective and sustainable way to ship the items they need to."
"When we launched the business, we thought of it as 'building a better mouse trap' tech, not necessarily a venture-scalable company. The pandemic changed the company dynamics."
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