'Over half' of federal websites got better in the past year, OMB official says

"Of the nearly 7,000 public facing websites that the government had, we saw improvement at or across over half of those [in the last year], so that's a really good example of driving impact at scale," Jonathan Finch, the digital experience director at the Office of Management and Budget, told Nextgov/FCW.
"The flip side of that is that we've just got a lot of room to improve in each of the individual metrics [and]... in terms of how we streamline the overall ecosystem," highlighting the ongoing challenges even amidst improvements.
"Agencies were most successful in meeting the security metric, with 86% of scannable, public-facing website homepages meeting requirements," showcasing positive compliance in a crucial area despite other areas lagging.
"Federal government websites have room to improve across foundational digital delivery expectations," the blog housing the data stated, emphasizing the disparities in website performance metrics.
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