Over 50% Of Hybrid Workers Admitted To Partaking In A New Controversial Office Trend, And This Is Why They're Defending It

"They wanted to promote the people who had the longest hours at the office. So they looked at keycard swipe-in data... then when it came to the pandemic, ... they wanted to use this kind of data again to sort of understand who were the 'least productive' people, and they were going to look at the badge data logs."
"Using badge swipes to determine productivity 'could harm people who are on medical leave, or people who have caregiving obligations who we know have literally fewer chances to be at their desk than others,' Schellmann said."
"Companies want to use the data they have on their employees... there is also a long-held mindset of 'managers just sort of [wanting] to look around the room and see butts in seats.'"
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