Outlander Recap: A Funny Way to Say Thank You

"By which, of course, I mean that both Jamie and William are big time assholes in this episode. Furthermore, only one of these men has a reason for acting the way he does that is somewhat acceptable and that man is not Jamie. Jamie sucks here."
"Okay, could Lord John have found a better way to let his buddy know that he had sex with his wife than waiting until they were alone in the woods and using the phrase 'I've had carnal knowledge of your wife'?"
"As Claire will tell Jamie later, it's not like the two of them, clear-eyed, said, hey, let's do this thing. But this is not how John goes about it, and by the time the guy says, 'Neither one of us was making love to the other, we were both fucking you!' Jamie has lost all control over his anger, and he punches John's lights out."
"Still, Jamie needs to cool his freaking jets. Lord John is his friend and has done so much for him and he is just pounding that man's sweet little meat sack of a face in."
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