Streetsblog highlighted a proposed bill in New York City that aims to reduce the minimum insurance requirement for taxi drivers from $200,000 to $50,000. Introduced by Council Member Carmen De La Rosa, this bill has garnered support from certain Council members; however, critics argue it compromises the protection of victims injured in traffic incidents. A compelling testimony from Lauren Pine, a traffic violence survivor, underscores the inadequacy of such insurance reduction, emphasizing that past experiences reveal severe trauma and long-term consequences from insufficient insurance coverage.
I'm here to talk to you about my experience and oppose Intro 1050 because the minimum no fault insurance is not enough for victims of traffic violence. On Nov. 15, 2017, I was crossing with the light in the crosswalk when I was struck and dragged by a construction truck making a right turn.
I was rushed to Bellevue Hospital, where I was put into a medically induced coma for four days. Doctors amputated my entire left leg, completely removing my femur. My broken pelvis healed crookedly, causing pain when sitting or when wearing a prosthesis, both due to near-fatal infection.
The skin on my remaining thigh was immediately ripped from the muscle, resulting in a severe trauma burn. I was in the Burn ICU at New York Presbyterian Hospital for two months.
I have residual nerve damage and foot drop in my right leg, so I can only use that leg minimally, with a brace and crutches. After experiencing a few falls every week, I...