Nonprofit "Terrorism" Bill Defeated-For Now - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

"Congress is already moving to hand a resurgent Trump administration a powerful cudgel that it could wield against ideological opponents in civil society."
"The reality of this bill is that it gives pretty unilateral authority to the treasury secretary to strip a nonprofit of its tax exempt status without any sort of due process-you really don't have any sort of opportunity to defend yourself before a neutral decision-maker."
"This hazy definition, free-speech advocates fear, could be exploited, especially by the incoming Trump administration, to grant the executive branch extraordinary power to investigate, harass, and effectively dismantle any nonprofit organization... based on a unilateral accusation of wrongdoing."
"Days after the election of Donald Trump to the presidency, the Intercept reported that the bill was scheduled for a fast-track vote."
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