Carter stated, "It's unfortunate that both the president elect and Speaker Johnson have chosen to make this a partisan issue. This is an American attack. This is an attack on our democracy. This is an attack on our freedoms." He emphasized that the suspect was an American citizen, saying, "This person was radicalized, but it was an American citizen, a citizen of Texas, and someone who was honorably discharged from the United States Army."
Carter criticized the narrative surrounding the attack, asserting, "We should not play games with the American people to try and imply that it was something that it wasn't, which is somehow suggest that this was a Democrat or Republican issue." He highlighted the need for maturity and honesty in addressing the situation.
He emphasized the need for unity in the face of terror, stating, "This is not the time to play political brinksmanship or gamesmanship. This is a time that we should be united as Americans to push back against terrorism." He implored leaders to focus on combating threats rather than partisan politics.
Carter conveyed a strong message, saying, "The families of the loved ones who have died and those who are in the hospital fighting for their lives... we need to demonstrate to the American people that we will use every resource to combat these kind of hateful and heinous acts."