Grimsby has been hit hard by the decline of the fishing industry, but we also shouldn't shy away from the resurgence of North East Lincolnshire as a fantastic place to do business and a real hub of clean energy innovation. Almost 2,000 local residents are already employed within the renewables industry - a number only set to increase as more and more important projects get underway.
There are a whole host of inspirational businesses that have chosen Grimsby as their base. From Orsted's £14m East Coast Hub, to port offices of E.ON, RWE and the Renewable Energy Systems Group (RES), the clean energy industry is kick-starting Grimsby's revival. The wider Humber Energy Estuary cluster includes Siemens' wind turbine blade manufacturing operations and the Able Marine Energy Park - it's a thriving community centred around the future of clean, green, decentralised power.