Yes, I remember those days in which it seemed there was no boundary whatsoever between my body and my children's bodies, that we had all melded together into one fleshpile whose every inch was available for pinching or prodding or poking. It can really do a number on you! And moms often have it way worse than I did. In your case, add the specific irritant of one particularly private part of your body being the target of all this attention, and I can see why you feel like you're drowning.
You mention earlier in your letter that you're 'working on' your son's propensity for hair-pulling. How so? I'd urge you to overtly treat these two behaviors the same way, because they're both violations of your bodily autonomy. Yes, one arrives in moments of anger and the other in moments of affection, but they are both unasked-for intrusions. The tone and spirit of your corrections is up to you.