Lyric FM's recent programming emphasizes mental well-being by providing a welcome distraction from current events. The series 'Bird Songs with Seán Ronayne' aims to celebrate the onset of spring in the Gaelic calendar through soothing interludes featuring nature. This is especially important in today's difficult climate, where art and culture serve as havens from societal chaos. Additionally, the introduction of word puzzles like Focail and Conundrum adds to the mental engagement the station fosters.
In these dystopian times, it continues to meet the challenge that is being thrown down by the despots, the edgelords, the oligarchs.
Supposedly it was a celebration of the start of spring in the Gaelic calendar, this series of short interludes across the schedule.
Its latest refuge from Morning Ireland, and any other current affairs programme for that matter, was Bird Songs with Seán Ronayne.
Lyric FM is definitely doing all it can for us, in the area of mental health.