Imagine you're sitting in a meeting with several colleagues. A woman-let's call her Emma-offers a suggestion based on years of experience. A moment of silence passes, and then a male colleague jumps in, reiterating the same point with different words. Heads nod, and suddenly, his voice takes center stage while Emma's contribution fades into the background. This scenario isn't just a fleeting annoyance-it's a slow erasure of women's authority, confidence, and potential.
Despite some progress in gender equality, the phenomenon of men explaining things to women in a patronizing manner-often without realizing the expertise they dismiss-still permeates workplaces across the globe. It's a stark reminder that while society may be moving forward in some areas, deeply ingrained power dynamics continue to drag us backward.
A 2020 One Poll survey of 2,000 women in the workplace (commissioned by Self Inc.) found that the average woman gets 'mansplained' while on the job six times each week. That's 312 mansplaining moments each year. Women who face constant dismissal often begin to question their worth.
This issue isn't just about men or women. It's about the future of inclusive leadership, creative collaboration, and human connection. Until we tackle mansplaining head-on, half of our workforce will continue to be dismissed-from conversations and opportunities to shape the future.