Letters: President Trump's crude bigotry is a stain on the GOP

The article critiques President Trump's comments post-airline disaster, forwarding the idea that any political failure will likely be blamed on Joe Biden or attributed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. It expresses concern that women and minorities will be unjustly viewed as unqualified due to assumptions linked to DEI, which is exacerbated by the complicity of Republican leaders and conservative media. The author, a Republican, expresses dismay at the shift in the party's values and Trump's rise to prominence, indicating a departure from traditional GOP principles.
I'm a Republican and I'm appalled by the extent to which Republicans in office and the conservative media have jumped to join Trump's crude bigotry.
Women and minorities in business, government or education will be suspected of gaining their position due to DEI regardless of their qualification or performance.
Read at www.mercurynews.com