"What I always tell people when they spread conspiracy theories is go to the Wall Street Journal. It's a Rupert Murdoch-owned paper. Go to the Wall Street Journal. The Wall Street Journal is publishing disinformation that might as well be in Epoch Times. This is the same man who lied about cats and dogs being eaten when the governor of his own state said stop."
"Scarborough defended FEMA's response and cited the praise for the agency from conservative governors across states that were affected by Helene, snapping at the Wall Street Journal for having no standards. He emphasized that publishing false narratives by a vice presidential candidate shows a lack of integrity from a respected newspaper."
"Scarborough expressed disbelief that respected journalists at the Wall Street Journal were engaging in disinformation, lamenting that long-time acquaintances are contributing to what he termed 'anti-anti-Trumpism' during a time when people are suffering."