Fatmeh Jahaleen, a Palestinian refugee, expresses her desperate plea for medication outside a UN-run clinic in Jerusalem, highlighting the dire consequences if the clinic were to close due to a new Israeli parliamentary ban on Unrwa. This ban threatens essential services including medication, blood tests, and regular treatments that are critical for refugees like Jahaleen. Fathi Saleh, an Unrwa staff member, poignantly describes the impact of service cuts as lethal, akin to cutting off oxygen, underscoring a looming crisis for thousands in the region.
Cutting the services we provide is like cutting the oxygen supply to people here, he said. It will devastate people.
I really don't know what to do only God can help us if they close this clinic.
Where am I supposed to get my medicine? This would cost me 400 shekels a month otherwise. We can't afford that; we are refugees.
Are you sure that Unrwa will close? Jahaleen asked, slapping her hands against her thighs in distress.