"You may think your eye movements are insignificant but in just a blink of an eye, you can reveal your innermost thoughts and feelings - like if you fancy the pants off your date or if you're telling a fib about eating your flatmate's leftovers last night," Vision Direct said.
"To find out if someone is lying, you'll want to pay attention to how the person is blinking when they have nothing to lie about. Then when deception is at play, you may notice it quickly changes. Typically, if their blinking changes it will get less rapid during the lie and then increase dramatically right after the lie is told. However, it is important to note that blinking is just a piece of the puzzle," explained Traci Brown.
"Research suggests that if you're more towards the 'Eyes Wide Open' end of the scale, you might be a good liar. Meanwhile, if you're more of a Super Speedy Blinker, you might be in love."