Inside the Bust That Took Down Pavel Durov-and Upended Telegram

Pavel Durov, the Russian-born CEO of Telegram, known for advocating free speech, faced potential arrest in Paris as his private jet landed. Renowned as a privacy advocate, Durov had previously been exiled from Russia, furthering his image as a champion against governmental control. A crime reporter's chance tip-off during a family celebration revealed the growing tensions surrounding Durov and his platform's success, which served as a safe haven for users amidst increasing surveillance and censorship worldwide. As Telegram approaches a billion users, its future seems enmeshed with Durov’s legal battles and the commitment to privacy.
Durov presents himself as a libertarian crusader for privacy and freedom of speech on the internet, claiming to stand against the surveillance state.
On a Saturday in August 2024, crime reporter Raphaël Maillochon received word of a major story involving Telegram's CEO and a possible arrest.
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