In this narrative, a private detective reveals to a wife that her husband has a 'work wife,' supporting this claim with evidence from surveillance, including shared jokes and extensive phone interactions. The detective also notes that while the husband presents himself as a 'product manager,' there may be more complex issues at play, implying that the discovery could be part of a larger conspiracy. This scenario suggests not only infidelity but also a troubling betrayal of trust beyond mere workplace relationships.
I thought you might need fortification for what I have to tell you. See, I've been tailing your husband all week to ascertain where he goes between the hours of nine and five-ish.
I'm afraid I've concluded that your husband isn't the man you think he is. You aren't the only woman in his life. That's right—he has a 'work wife.'
I tapped your husband's phone to see how much Words with Friends they're playing, and, not to twist the knife or anything, they're on a nineteen-day streak.
Pretty sleazy stuff. Unfortunately, my quotidian marital investigation has inadvertently led me to uncover a larger conspiracy that goes all the way to the top.