For first-time gun enthusiasts, the variety of firearms can be overwhelming. However, rifles are recommended due to their stability, durability, and manageable recoil, making them suitable for novices. The article discusses the significance of American-made rifles, supported by data from the ATF, detailing 33 of the best-selling companies based on production in 2022. The booming U.S. firearms industry, with an annual revenue nearing $90 billion and substantial employment, underscores the importance of understanding the market and choosing reputable manufacturers for new gun buyers.
Rifles are great for beginners due to their stability, durability, and low recoil, making them easier to shoot and less intimidating for new shooters.
Every year, the U.S. arms and ammunitions industry generates tens of billions of dollars, making it a significant sector that employs over 384,000 Americans.
Knowing which rifle manufacturers are popular not only informs your purchase but also reflects on the companies shaping the firearms economy.
Purchasing a tried-and-true American-made rifle connects you with a legacy of quality and reliability that stands out in the gun industry.