"We don't have a lot of taste for doing girl-on-girl warfare and having that be a prominent part of our storytelling, so we knew that we wanted to tell a story that was real," Noble explained. "It's not real if they never have any conflict whatsoever; that's just Pollyanna."
The third season of 'The Sex Lives of College Girls' finds the girls back at move-in day, but it's the beginning of their sophomore year, their second first day, and the site of their first real fight.
In the same episode, we meet one of several new characters, Taylor (Mia Rodgers), a queer, hard-ass, blonde first-year, though another new main cast member, Kacey (Gracie Lawrence), remains unseen.
Kimberly and Whitney coming to terms with the betrayal and how they can possibly move on while still leaving space to set up an arc for Bela and tenderly lead Leighton off into the distance.