The article discusses how the concept of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) has been misrepresented amid political tensions, particularly by anti-DEI forces linked to Trump’s administration. Critics claim DEI results in unqualified hiring based on race or gender, yet a new book by Keon West argues the opposite. 'The Science of Racism' provides objective data on societal racism, challenging the notion that DEI compromises meritocracy. West asserts that recent executive orders distort equality, reinforcing the need for informed conversations around systemic racism backed by solid research rather than anecdotal evidence.
The recent executive orders banning DEI movements say they will create an America where everyone is treated with equal dignity and respect, and they wouldn't be able to say it if they had a population who knew that's absolutely nonsense.
Author Keon West emphasizes that his book serves as an objective resource, offering rigorous scientific studies about societal racism, countering popular beliefs challenged by anti-DEI sentiments.