O'Donnell expressed, "I told them I would do what I could with whatever dwindling fame I have to bring light to their story. I said, 'It's not the 90s, Lyle. I'm not on that show anymore.' I think if you feel strongly about something and you want to try to help society, you can use your voice because the children who are abused in their homes don't have a voice. They need someone to speak for them."
Reflecting on her earlier hesitation, O'Donnell recalled a lunch with Barbara Walters, stating, "Barbara said, 'Ignore him, he's a murderer. He's very cunning.' I listened to her advice until 2022 when the documentary prompted me to support the brothers publicly."
In discussing her connection to Lyle Menendez, O'Donnell elaborated, "We talk a lot. After the documentary came out and I received word from Rebecca Sneed, I realized it was time to share my perspective and lend my support."