The analysis also found satisfactory outputs and outcomes, as well as improvements compared to the previous operator," said the Indecon report, which was received last June but only posted on today.
The outputs delivered by the NDRC in relation to the Accelerator programme substantively exceeded almost all the monitoring targets set for 2021 and 2022, while in relation to the Pre-Accelerator, services targets were achieved or overachieved across all Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) during 2022.
Similarly, with regard to NDRC training services, achievement or overperformance was identified in respect of the majority of KPIs, and in the few instances where targets were not achieved, they nevertheless remained above the rectification thresholds.
The NDRC invested in 11 companies in 2021, and in 13 in 2022, equating to a total of €2.4m. The market capital achieved by NDRC start-ups in the first full year of operation under the Dogpatch Labs contract was €16m, which doubled to €32m in 2022.