GOP centers election concerns on noncitizen voting, but it's rare

"Lawsuits from Republican groups in two swing states where a margin of victory could be close, Nevada and Arizona, allege thousands of names on voter rolls are either noncitizens or have not been properly vetted."
"Studies from right-leaning think tanks have cast doubt on how often those registrations turn into actual votes, since a federal law bars noncitizens from casting ballots in federal elections."
"The Cato Institute says the percentage of noncitizens voting is closer to zero than 1%. A database maintained by the conservative Heritage Foundation indicates that only 85 cases exist involving allegations of noncitizens voting from 2002 to 2023."
"Carah Ong Whaley, vice president of election protection for Washington-based political reform group Issue One, said that based on numerous studies it is very unlikely noncitizen voting could happen at a rate that would influence the election outcome."
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