American politics is experiencing a generational shift. According to a Pew Research Center analysis, Congress is becoming younger, with Generation X now making up 41% of the House members, surpassing baby boomers. The median age in the House dropped slightly from 57.9 to 57.5 years, while in the Senate, it decreased from 65.3 to 64.7 years. Notably, the median age of new House members is significantly lower at 50.2, indicating a trend towards younger representatives, along with increasing racial and ethnic diversity.
For the first time, baby boomers are no longer the largest generation in the House; Gen X now makes up the biggest slice at 41%.
The 119th Congress is skewing younger: the median age in the House of Representatives is 57.5 compared to 57.9 during the 118th Congress.
Freshman members are younger: in the House, the median age of new members is 50.2 years, compared to the overall median age of 57.5.
The arrival of younger generations of lawmakers has brought additional changes, including growing racial and ethnic diversity in Congress.