Furry forecast: What you need to know about Groundhog Day in NYC on Feb. 2

Staten Island Chuck, the beloved groundhog of New York City, is set to make his weather prediction on Groundhog Day, February 2. This annual event at the Staten Island Zoo involves observing Chuck to determine if he will see his shadow, which signifies six more weeks of winter, or not, indicating an early spring. The event will commence at 8 a.m. and will be livestreamed via the zoo's Facebook page, with appearances from other adorable animals. Known for its parks, Staten Island provides a perfect habitat for Chuck and his fellow groundhogs.
Groundhog Day is an annual event held every Feb. 2 in various parts of the United States and Canada, involving a groundhog's behavior to forecast weather.
Chuck will either see his shadow, indicating there will be six more weeks of winter, or he won't, signaling that spring is around the corner.
The fun event starts at 8 a.m. on Feb. 2 and will be livestreamed on the Staten Island Zoo's Facebook page, showcasing Chuck’s weather prediction.
With Staten Island's extensive parks providing a suitable habitat, Chuck is Staten Island’s most famous groundhog, celebrated annually during this whimsical event.
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