Elon Musk admits cheating at video game in which he claimed to be one of the best in the world

Elon Musk, known for his tech empire, has declared video gaming as his primary leisure activity, asserting that it calms his mind and teaches life skills. He recently boasted about being a top player in Diablo IV. However, this self-promotion faced scrutiny when a YouTuber revealed Musk had cheated by allowing others to play on his gaming account. As videos critiquing his gaming prowess circulated, the tension highlighted the disparity between Musk's claims and reality, sparking conversations across gaming and social media platforms.
In a podcast, Musk boasted of being one of the top 20 players in the world at Diablo IV, showcasing his gaming prowess and dedication.
Musk's claims, while impressive, were undermined by a revelation from a Youtuber who disclosed Musk cheated by having others play his account.
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