Elevation review high-altitude monster thriller offers twist on the Quiet Place formula

Elevation is a post-apocalyptic thriller that follows Will, a father living in a high-altitude community where the remaining humans must stay above 8,000ft to avoid giant insects known as Reapers. With limited resources, Will must descend to find air filters for his asthmatic son, enlisting the help of a scientist and a friend. The film features intense action sequences but struggles with character development and originality, giving it a familiar feel. It hints at franchise potential but ultimately falls short due to weak character arcs and performances.
"Elevation subscribes to the Quiet Place school of action streamlining, where humanity must stay above an 8,000ft line to avoid Reapers, the giant insects that have conquered the planet."
"Despite regular adrenaline spikes, Elevation never develops a distinctive identity of its own and is considered thoroughly derivative with stock characterisation and a bland performance from Mackie."
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