Dozens of United Airlines employees got sick after eating a Christmas meal provided by the airline

Dozens of United Airlines employees at Denver International Airport fell ill after eating a meal provided by the airline on Christmas Day. According to a letter from the Association of Flight Attendants, representing United workers in Denver and Phoenix, a total of 492 meals were served to flight attendants. Of those, there were 24 reports of symptoms connected to food poisoning.
A spokesperson from United Airlines told Business Insider: 'United is monitoring reports from some employees about gastrointestinal symptoms following holiday meals served to Denver employees last Wednesday, and we are in contact with health authorities. There has been no impact on our operation.'
The AFA initially reported that around 200 employees had been sick after eating the meal on Christmas Day, however, it said in its later letter that the actual number of reports was substantially lower. 'We recognize that there may be some who decided to "power through" or who may have been apprehensive about calling in sick over the holiday period..."
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